Saturday, 15 June 2019

What drives Yellowstone's massive elk migrations?

Every spring, tens of thousands of elk follow a wave of green growth up onto the high plateaus in and around Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks, where they spend the summer calving and fattening on fresh grass. And every fall, the massive herds migrate back down into the surrounding valleys and plains, where lower elevations provide respite from harsh winters.

* This article was originally published here

How to handle the emotional roller-coaster at family gatherings

Weddings, graduations, anniversaries and births are happy occasions, but if you find yourself welling up with unexplained tears, don't feel bad about it.

* This article was originally published here

Virus genes help determine if pea aphids get their wings

Many of an organism's traits are influenced by cues from the organism's environment. These features are known as phenotypically plastic traits and are important in allowing an organism to cope with unpredictable environments.

* This article was originally published here

Head-turning Cassie Cal makes campus moves on hovershoes

A bipedal robot called Cassie Cal is in the news, thanks to a video from its home at the Hybrid Robotics group at University of California Berkeley.

* This article was originally published here